産地・佐伯市紹介 About Saiki City




(九州で一番広い市です 出典 佐伯市ホームページ)


Saiki City is located in the southeastern part of Oita Prefecture, with a total area of approximately 903.11 square kilometers and a coastline extending about 270 kilometers, making it the largest city in Kyushu in terms of land area. This beautiful region is known for its mountains designated as part of the “Sobo-Kyokoku Quasi-National Park” and its scenic Rias coast facing the Bungo Strait, where you can see Shikoku in the distance.

Saiki City has a mild climate, with an average annual temperature of around 16 degrees Celsius. Snowfall is rare even in winter. The city is blessed with abundant water, including the prominent Banjo River and its tributaries. The central area of the city is situated on an alluvial plain near the mouth of the Banjo River.

When you once visit here, you encounter beauty of nature like emerald green coastline and beautiful scenery deep in the mountain which give you tranquility in every season.
And it’s definitely awesome once you experienced.

Another attractiveness is local food. Absolutely good and you will be moved with all materials from sea, mountain and clear water as well.
We welcome you from the bottom of our heart.

Surrounded by mountains and the sea, Saiki City is a treasure trove of local ingredients and a popular destination for tourists2


about Saiki

人口数・世帯数 72,203人、29,575世帯
面 積 903.11平方キロメートル(耕地2.7%/林野87.3%/宅地1.3%/その他8.7%)
位 置 東経131度54分00秒 北緯32度57分35秒(出典:国土地理院)



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